Dear Christa—
Genesis to Now: Gen. 43:15-18
Maybe you’re like me: I’m often trying to second guess peoples’ motives.
I can wonder why I’m’ being regarded a certain way. Sometimes I never know.
And, sometimes I’ve just plain misjudged a situation. Some of us naturally see
people’s actions toward us as positive and others of us tend to conjure
negative motives of others. Most of us probably live somewhere in between the
two extremes.
However, for Joseph’s brothers, who often had self-seeking motives
themselves, they are expecting the worst from this strange, powerful man they
must deal with in Egypt. When they are sent to Joseph’s house, they assume payback
day for sending their brother into slavery has arrived. Genesis 43:18 tells us
they thought “he [Joseph] wants to attack us, and overpower us and seize us as
slaves and take our donkeys.”
Making them slaves is one thing, but wanting their donkeys? Well, that’s
just makes me want to laugh. Why in the world would someone as powerful as Joseph
care about their donkeys? Guilt has a way of clouding our thinking. And, often
we don’t think things through in a logical, rational way in times of stress.
We can find ourselves scared. We can find ourselves cornered. And, we
can conjure up any number of ridiculous ideas, especially if we tend to live
our life primarily focused on ourselves.
It’s a warning to not jump to conclusions. Sometimes, we need to wait
and see. Most of the time, that’s what we’ll end up doing anyway. We wait to
see where the hand of God moves. The questions is “How do we wait?” We can wait
in anxiety or in trust.
I won’t tell you how I generally wait.
—the parishioner who doesn’t do
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